Tragically the old project manager succumbed to years of battling difficult stakeholders and uncooperative resources.
As his soul arrived at the Pearly Gates, St. Peter himself was on hand to greet him.
“Welcome to Heaven,” said St. Peter. “Before you get settled in though, as with everyone, we’d like to give you the opportunity to experience both Heaven and Hell so what we’re going to do is let you have a day in each before you decide where you wish to spend eternity.”
“Fair enough, although I’m sure I want to be in Heaven”, said the project manager.
“But you’ve never been to Hell so how would you possibly know?” And with that the project manager found himself on an express elevator to Hell.
As the doors opened he found himself stepping onto a beach of fine white sand, with deep blue water lapping at his feet and a bar with a gorgeous waiter serving refreshing cocktails.
Just beyond that he could see a luxury hotel and friendly faces welcoming him, many of them people he knew from his life as a project manager. They sat around, reminisced, laughed, swam and then as the bright golden sun disappeared below the horizon they all went into the hotel for an amazing meal.
The PM even met Satan who was also very friendly, and not at all like the evil devil he had been led to believe he was. The evening was fabulous with more drink, jokes and dancing.
Heaven or Hell?
The PM had a wonderful time in Hell but all too quickly his visit came to an end and he was put in the elevator to sample Heaven. When he arrived back in Heaven St. Peter was once again there to greet him.
“OK, so now it’s time to spend 24 hours in Heaven” he said. The PM took his place amongst the clouds. Everyone was sitting around, chatting quietly, playing lutes and harps, and everything was terribly nice. People were pleasant but it was nothing like as much fun as Hell.
In fact, the 24 hours seemed interminable but eventually it all came to an end and St. Peter came see him.
“So,” he said, “you’ve experienced Heaven and Hell – where would you like to spend the rest of eternity?”
“Well, everyone and everything is very pleasant here in Heaven but it’s a lot more lively down below and I think I’m better suited to spending the rest of eternity in Hell.”
St. Peter nodded and escorted him back to the elevator which took him back down to Hell.
But when he arrived it was very different from the day before.
He found himself standing in a hot, dry, putrid smelling wilderness and as for the unspeakable things that were being done to his friends…
Satan approached the project manager and welcomed him to spending eternity in Hell.
“I don’t understand,” said the PM.
“When I came yesterday it was fabulous food and drink, beautiful sun drenched sandy beaches, clear blue seas and people having a good time. Now all I can see is a wasteland with starving people having very unpleasant things done to them.”
The Devil looked at him and smiled, “that’s because yesterday we were recruiting you, but now you’re on the project team.”